Finding a New Way

Helping small businesses streamline with web-based software, tailored integrations, data-driven decisions and friendly processes that enable a better client experience and happier team.


Web Development

Development of custom web-based software that empowers your business to cut down on generic SaaS solutions and focus on the features that make the most impact for your team and clients.

Project Management

Management of web-based software development (and related) projects to help your business direct resources toward new and improved technologies, functionality and processes.

Business Intelligence

Centralizing your data and making it work for you and self-report so you can make data-driven decisions, monitor trends and identify new opporunities to streamline.

Tailored Integrations

Development of software integrations that work in ways your competitors can only dream of -- making your team more efficient and less frustrated by typical limitations and repetitive work.

Process Development

Creating, standardizing and refining processes so that everyone is on the same page about how things are best done, with an eye toward incremental improvements to eliminate waste.

Operations Management

Oversight of technical and operational functions involving performance of systems and work production results, with a focus on continuous improvement.


Area of Focus

Helping law firms and legal services providers increase efficiency.

Favorite Technologies

Ruby on Rails + PostgreSQL + Metabase

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